this first pic was taken around summer of 2004 (hence the nice tan)
this 2nd pic was taken jan 2005~hence looking ghostly white & scary!
this 3rd pic was taken in oct or 2006, right as i started taking testosterone
this 4th pic was taken in may of 2007, six months on t (my first shave!)
this last pic was taken jan of 2008, 1.25 yrs on t, and 1 month post top surgery
i can't get the captions and the pics to line up, but you get the idea... seems like my face got more full (both because of weight fluctuations, but also my jaw became even more square~which i didn't think was possible!) also, my hair line started to recede slightly in the corners by my temples. and i seem to have gotten some weird cro-magnon forehead ridge thing going now at my brow since being on t for a while... what do you think?
1 comment:
Time for new glasses. Think Howie Long.
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